Top 5 Most Popular London Bridges: ecco i 5 ponti più popolari di Londra

Più di una trentina di ponti attraversano il Tamigi solo nella città di Londra. Questi 5 sono così popolari da essere diventati attrazioni turistiche. Scopriteli praticando l'inglese

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Top 5 Most Popular London Bridges

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Some of the many bridges over the River Thames are famous and offer access to the city’s most popular sights. The green Westminster Bridge has one of the best views, while the red Lambeth Bridge was considered by Charles Dickens to be “on the whole, the ugliest ever built.” Richmond Bridge, built in 1777, is the oldest surviving bridge in London, while the Rolling Bridge is one of the newest. This unusual bridge, opened in 2005, curls up to allow the boats to sail through.

Top 5 Most Popular London Bridges

  1. Tower Bridge (1894)
    It is the most iconic of London’s bridges. It is a bascule bridge, meaning it divides and opens. But people can still walk across its high-level walkways and experience panoramic views of London. If you want to know more, visit the permanent exhibition inside.
  2. London Bridge (1972)
    It has been rebuilt many times: by the Romans, in medieval times, and then in stone. In 1971, a US oil company bought the bridge for one million pounds and shipped it to Arizona as a tourist attraction! An urban legend claims that they made a mistake and thought they were buying Tower Bridge.
  3. Blackfriars Bridge (1869)
    It became infamous in 1982 when Vatican bank chairman Roberto Calvi was found hanging from it. Calvi was involved in a series of financial scandals, and was a member of a secret association called Propaganda Due (P2). Members called themselves ‘frati neri’ or ‘black friars’.
  4. Millennium Bridge (2000)
    It is a steel suspension bridge for pedestrians, which was built to celebrate the new millennium. Unfortunately, on the opening day, visitors reported a frightening swaying motion and the bridge was immediately closed. It was reopened to the public after two years of modifications.
  5. Garden Bridge
    It was never built. This recent private proposal was to create a green walking space over the river, with trees and plants along the route. But, controversially, its construction would have required the removal of trees on both sides of the river. In 2017, with estimated construction costs rising above £200 million, the project was abandoned.
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