Grammar Schools: The British Education System

Il sistema educativo britannico presenta una serie di caratteristiche che risalgono al Medioevo. Oggi sono diversi i collettivi che lo considerano discriminatorio e difendono la creazione di un sistema unificato.

Andy Keedwell

Bandera UK
Sarah Davison

Speaker (UK accent)

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Grammar school

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Fifty years ago, in a primary school classroom, two boys aged eleven took an examination called the Eleven-plus, the results of which would decide the rest of their lives. Paul passed and went to a grammar school. Baz failed the examination and went to a secondary modern school. They did not see each other again for years.  


Many grammar schools were established hundreds of years ago to teach the Latin language to children who were not from rich families. They encouraged students to study until they were eighteen and then to go to university. Secondary modern school students left at sixteen, usually with fewer qualifications than grammar school students. Some people say that secondary modern schools had fewer resources and the quality of teaching was not as good.  


But things have changed. In the 1960s comprehensive schools were created. Today, ninety per cent of children aged eleven to eighteen from the same area go to the same school without taking any entry examination.


The British often disagree about the best way to educate their children. Many people say that comprehensive schools help more children to succeed because they provide everybody with similar opportunities in a fairer way. Another view, though, is that more intelligent children, especially those from poorer homes, are better supported at grammar schools. Now the government plans to open new grammar schools so that almost two million children will go to the same type of school that Paul attended.


And Paul and Baz? Aged sixty, they met again and compared what had happened to them. After university, Paul qualified as a teacher. Baz went to work in a factory at sixteen and later became an engineer. In fact, Baz had a much higher salary than Paul. So perhaps life is fair after all

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