Job Interview: Everyday Dialogues

Vuoi saperne di più su come affrontare il mondo del lavoro in inglese? Ecco un esempio di un colloquio di lavoro in inglese.

Bandera UK
Daniel Francis

Speaker (UK accent)

Bandera UK
Sarah Davison

Speaker (UK accent)

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Karla: Thanks for coming in today, Kevin.  So, you’re interested in the admin  assistant post

Bob:Yes, that’s right. Thank you for  inviting me.

Karla: Well, your CV looked interesting. Your experience certainly fits the bill.

Bob:That’s good to hear!

Karla: We’d like to know a bit about why you are applying for this position.

Bob:The job is exactly the kind of work I love  doing and I’ve always wanted to work for this company.

Karla: Really? Why is that?

Bob:  I’ve read great things about how you treat your staff, the opportunities for personal development and most of all , your reputation for  sustainability.

Karla: Yes, we try hard to be a responsible company. Do you have any questions for us?

Bob:I’m thinking of doing a Master’s and would like to know if there is any flexibility in working hours.

Karla: Sure. It’s not a customer-facing position and as long as you get the job donewithin reasonable hours,  we could certainly  accommodate you there.

Bob: That’s excellent news!

Karla: Great. Let me speak to my colleagues and we’ll get back to you within a few days. Thanks for your time.


Administration is often shortened to ‘admin’.

Post and ‘position’ are both words to describe a job.

CV is short for ‘curriculum vitae’ (‘resumé’ in the US.)

To fit the bill means to be suitable for a specific purpose.

Job can refer to a paid position of employment (as it is used here) or an individual task or project.

Staff refers to all the people employed by a company. Synonyms include ‘personnel’ or ‘workforce’.

Personal development relates to self-improvement. Here, it relates to career goals, for example, confidence, conflict resolution, time management, active listening or teamwork.

Sustainability is a broad topic, usually referring to environmental and social impact.

In the context of sustainability, responsible is often used as an adjective to describe companies, processes and behaviours that are ethical and environmentally-friendly.

A ‘customer-facing’ worker is literally that: an employee who deals directly with customers. Typical customer-facing jobs are shop assistants, salespeople or helpdesk workers.

In this context, to accommodate means to fit in with a person’s wishes

To get back to someone means you will contact them soon with an answer.




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Job Interview: Everyday Dialogues


Job Interview: Everyday Dialogues

Vuoi saperne di più su come affrontare il mondo del lavoro in inglese? Ecco un esempio di un colloquio di lavoro in inglese.

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