Driving in the UK and the USA: Rules and Requirements You Need to Know (With Exercises to Practice English)

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Driving in the UK and USA

Driving in the UK and the USA might seem similar at first glance, but there are key differences in road signs, traffic rules, and driving habits. Understanding these differences is important, especially if you plan to drive in either country. Here are some interesting things to note about driving in the UK or USA.

Why Do People Drive on the Left in the UK?

One of the most noticeable differences between driving in the UK and the USA is the side of the road people drive on. In the UK, people drive on the left side of the road and therefore the steering wheel is positioned on the right side of the car. This practice dates back to the days when most people traveled on horseback. It was easier for right-handed riders to mount and dismount from the left side of the horse, and they could also keep their sword hand free to defend themselves.

Other countries that drive on the left include Australia, Japan, India, South Africa, Ireland, Cyprus, Samoa, Indonesia, Thailand and New Zealand.

Road Signs

In both the UK and the USA, road signs use symbols and words to communicate important information. However, there are some differences in design and meaning.

UK - Road signs in the UK tend to use more symbols and less text. For example, a red circle with a number inside indicates the speed limit. A blue circle with a white arrow shows the direction you must follow.

USA - In the USA, road signs often include more text. For instance, a sign might say "STOP" or "YIELD" rather than using a symbol. Speed limits are clearly marked with signs that read "SPEED LIMIT 50," for example.


Roundabouts are circular intersections where traffic flows clockwise (UK) or anticlockwise (USA) around a central island. Drivers must give way to traffic coming from the right (UK) or from the left (USA).

UK - They are very common in the UK, there are over 25,000 of them, and the evidence shows that roundabouts are much safer and better at easing congestion than intersections with traffic lights.

USA - While roundabouts do exist in the USA, they are less common. Many drivers in the USA are more familiar with four-way stops and traffic lights at intersections and are unfamiliar with how a roundabout works.

One-Way Streets and No Entry Signs

UK - One-way streets are indicated by a blue sign with a white arrow pointing in the direction of travel. "No Entry" signs are red circles with a white horizontal line through the middle.

USA - In the USA, one-way streets are marked by black and white signs that say "ONE WAY" with an arrow pointing in the correct direction. "No Entry" signs are similar to those in the UK but usually include the words "DO NOT ENTER."

Dual Carriageways

UK - A dual carriageway is a road with a dividing strip between the lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions. It’s similar to what is called a "divided highway" in the USA. On a dual carriageway, the speed limit is usually higher than on single carriageways.

USA - The term "divided highway" is used for a road with a physical barrier between directions. These roads can have different speed limits, which are clearly posted.

Double Yellow Lines

UK - Double yellow lines at the side of the road mean that parking is not allowed at any time. You might see single yellow lines, which indicate that parking is restricted at certain times.

USA - In the USA, double yellow lines usually mark the center of a road where you cannot overtake or make a left turn. Parking rules are indicated by separate signs rather than road markings.


UK - Junctions in the UK can be tricky, especially with the presence of roundabouts. At a typical junction, you may see "GIVE WAY" signs, which indicate that you must yield to other vehicles.

USA - In the USA, junctions often have stop signs or traffic lights. At a four-way stop, the first car to arrive at the junction has the right of way.

Traffic Lights

UK - Traffic lights in the UK follow a sequence of red, red and amber (together), green, and amber (yellow). Amber means "prepare to stop."

USA - In the USA, the traffic light sequence is red, green, and yellow. Yellow lights signal that the light will soon turn red.

Speed Limits

Both the UK and the USA use miles per hour (mph) to measure speed limits, which is something they have in common with only a few other countries.

UK - Speed limits in the UK vary depending on the type of road. For example, in residential areas, the limit is usually 30 mph. On single carriageways, it's 60 mph, and on motorways (highways), it's 70 mph.

USA - Speed limits in the USA can vary widely from state to state. In residential areas, it might be 25-35 mph. On highways, it could range from 55 to 75 mph or even higher in some states.

Understanding these key differences between driving in the UK and the USA can help make your experience smoother, whether you're on a short visit or planning to stay longer. Try answering the questions below to test yourself!

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