Little Island: A Park on the Pier

L’ultimo spazio verde di New York, inaugurato da non molto, si erige su un’isola artificiale costruita dove prima c’era un antico molo sul fiume Hudson. Quest’incredibile opera di ingegneria ha riscosso subito un grande successo tra gli abitanti della città.

Molly Malcolm

Speaker (American accent)

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Little Island, built on Pier 54 in Hudson River Park

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Little Island is a new 2.4-acre public park in Hudson River Park on the west side of Manhattan. Accessible by subway, car, bus, bike and on foot, the park is open from 6am to 1am, and free of charge. The artificial island is built on the remains of Pier 54. The pier had fallen into disuse in the 1970s, was revived as a LGBTQ hub in the 1980s and 90s, but was then hit hard by hurricane Sandy in 2012. A philanthropic power couple, media executive Barry Diller and fashion designer Diane von Fürstenberg, proposed they help fund a new park in 2014. 


Unfortunately, construction was delayed. Lawsuits, partially paid for by real estate tycoon Douglas Durst, alleged that the plans had not had a proper environmental review. While these claims were dismissed in court, by then the project was seriously over budget. But Little Island was saved when state governor Andrew Cuomo agreed to provide more funding. 

anglo-french design

Designed by the UK-based Heatherwick Studio, Little Island consists of 132 mushroom-shaped concrete structures inserted deep into the riverbed. The platforms are of different heights, rising between fifteen and sixty-two feet above the waterline, creating a gently rolling landscape. The whole island is pedestrianized, with no cycling or pets allowed. French landscape architect Signe Nielsen arranged its various lawns, paths and plants, and the soil was engineered to reduce erosion. 


Little Island has a dedicated space for making art called The Glade, with free family activities and a little library. Along with free performances around the park, there is a 687-seat amphitheatre called The Amph that hosts events. Reserve in advance for festivals of all kinds, from music to theatre, dance to storytelling.

The Spice Girls: Pop Princesses


The Spice Girls: Pop Princesses

Le Spice Girls sono state un simbolo degli anni novanta. Hanno venduto milioni di dischi. Oggi sono ancora amiche tra loro, ma conducono una vita più tranquilla e rilassata.

Alastair Peel

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