Top 5 Aphorism

Tutti abbiamo delle massime sulle quali basiamo la nostra vita o che per qualche motivo ci ispirano o ci stimolano. Abbiamo selezionato cinque aforismi di epoche molto diverse che, sebbene siano relative al loro tempo, sono anche atemporali.

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450 Top5 Aphorisms

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In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”  — Sun-Tzu

Written by a prominent Chinese military strategist around the 5th century BC, The Art of War has had a huge influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy, and lifestyles. It combines psychological tools with proactive ones and asserts that all warfare and competition is based on deception.

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” — Oscar Wilde

Arguably the master of the English aphorism was an Irish poet and playwright who, in the 19th century, achieved great fame among London’s high society with works such as The Importance of Being Earnest. Yet a homosexual affair with a prominent aristocrat led to imprisonment and self-exile in France, where he died in poverty.

Apologise: To lay the foundation for a future offence.”
— Ambrose Bierce

Written over three decades by the American Civil War soldier and writer Ambrose Bierce, the satirical definitions compiled in 1911’s The Devil’s Dictionary appeared first as a series of installments for magazines and newspapers. Bierce’s insights into the selfish yet well-meaning nature of the human being are as profound as they are witty.

“If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake.” —Confucius

The enigmatic Chinese philosopher Confucius was born around 551 BC in present-day Shandong Province, China. According to some, he was a member of a royal family of the Chou Dynasty, to others he was born into poverty. This pays testament to his classless wisdom that holds patience with oneself to be a fundamental virtue.

“To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt was one of America’s most inspirational figures. Combining common sense with encouragement and self-support she spoke up for American women in particular who were struggling to support their families during the Great Depression – but her words empower all.

The Lion's Den: Inside the Home of Ernest Hemingway
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The Lion's Den: Inside the Home of Ernest Hemingway

Negli anni Trenta lo scrittore Ernest Hemingway visse a Key West, in Florida, la città più meridionale degli Stati Uniti, dove scrisse la maggior parte delle sue opere mentre si dedicava alla pesca in compagnia del suo gatto polidattile Snowball.

Talitha Linehan

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Le 13 frasi più celebri di Martin Luther King
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Le 13 frasi più celebri di Martin Luther King

Il 28 agosto 1963, Martin Luther King pronunciò uno dei discorsi più famosi della storia. La frase "I have a dream" è passata alla storia come simbolo della lotta per i diritti civili, così come le 13 citazioni che ricordiamo qui.

Julia Nigmatullina


Claudia Durastanti: The Stranger
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Claudia Durastanti: The Stranger

Cresciuta tra Brooklyn e la Basilicata, Claudia Durastanti è autrice di quattro romanzi e traduttrice dall’inglese di opere contemporanee e classici della letteratura. Nel suo ultimo libro, La Straniera, racconta il rapporto con la madre, ripercorre i luoghi in cui è cresciuta e riflette sul linguaggio.

Valentina Mercuri

Parole in inglese che iniziano con la "j"


Parole in inglese che iniziano con la "j"

La pronuncia della "J" in inglese è diversa da quella in spagnolo. Per non dimenticarlo, impara queste 12 parole inglesi che iniziano con la "J", dalle più usate alle più strane, e il loro significato.

Natalia Cristiano