Bondi Beach: Summer in December

Bondi Beach è una tappa fissa per chi visita Sydney. Questa spiaggia dalla sabbia dorata è il punto d’incontro di molti surfisti e di chiunque voglia praticare sport all’aria aperta o in mare, ma sempre con le dovute precauzioni, viste le imponenti onde dell’Oceano Pacifico.

Estela Saldaña

Bandera UK
Sarah Davison

Speaker (UK accent)

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Bondi Beach

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The fame of Bondi Beach as one of the world’s best beaches is well deserved. This one-kilometre-long stretch of sand and sea offers an inimitable combination of natural beauty, lifestyle and entertainment. Just ten kilometres from Sydney’s business district, Bondi Beach is one of the city’s great tourist attractions. It is a meeting point for backpackers and a favourite of surfers from all over the globe. 


Bondi —which in the Australian aboriginal language means ‘the sound of the water breaking on the rocks’— has a unique culture and vibe. As the sun rises above the horizon, surfers are already waiting in its waters hoping to catch the perfect wave. Each year, local, national and international tournaments are held here, attracting thousands of people who come to watch the best surfers on the professional circuit. According to experts, here you can find some of the best waves in the Southern Hemisphere.


The Bondi area has also become a busy commercial destination in its own right. Gould Street, just a few blocks from the beach, is a short but popular strip lined with specialty stores from Australia’s top designer names, as well as interesting and eclectic one-of-a-kind boutiques. Whether strolling along the coast, taking surf lessons or going shopping, Bondi Beach offers something for everyone to enjoy, under the watchful eyes of its lifeguards.

Lost in Translation: A Short Story


Lost in Translation: A Short Story

Questo racconto racchiude i momenti di maggiore tensione tipici di una comunicazione resa difficile da dialetti e lingue diverse.

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Spring-Heeled Jack: Unsolved Mysteries

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