John Oliver: “The Oliver Effect”

Inglese di nascita, ma americano di adozione, John Oliver è un comico che spopola oltreoceano. In patria faticava ad avere successo, ma il suo show negli Stati Uniti non solo è seguitissimo, e molto divertente, ma è addirittura in grado di influenzare l’opinione pubblica: è “The Oliver effect”.

Jonathan Cameron

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John Oliver

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John Oliver will celebrate his 40th birthday on April 23rd. He shares his birthday with William Shakespeare, but that isn’t the only thing they have in common. Both were born in the West Midlands, the central area of England, and their intelligence and sense of humour has made them popular in the United States. The difference is that Shakespeare’s American popularity came after his death: John Oliver is enjoying popularity in the United States in his own lifetime


John Oliver is the host of a late night talk show on HBO called Last Week with John Oliver.  The show began broadcasting on Sunday evenings in April 2014, and next month it will begin its fourth season. It features interviews, and guests have included Stephen Hawking and Edward Snowden. But the highlight is John Oliver’s humorous monologue. A segment on Donald Trump received 30 million views on YouTube. Another, on Brexit, received 13 million views and one on the Scottish independence referendum received 9 million views.


Oliver’s monologues are very funny, but they have a serious side. He presents complex issues in a way that ordinary people can understand. He is also influential and his pieces on net neutrality and the dangers of chicken meat led to a change in public policy. Observers call this “The Oliver effect.” 


How did he become so big in the United States? Although he was born in Birmingham, Oliver grew up in Bedford, where he went to school. He was clever and went to Cambridge University. Here he became a member of the Footlights, a famous comedy group that has produced stars like Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, another Englishman who did well in America, and Emma Thompson. After university Oliver worked as a stand-up comedian. He appeared on British TV, but his big break was when he became the British correspondent for a popular American show, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Today Oliver is a star in the United States but, like all immigrants, he needs a green card. When he went for an interview at the US Embassy in London, an American immigration officer told him: “Give me one good reason why I should let you back in to insult my country!” Oliver panicked, but the officer then said: “I’m just kidding, I love the show!”

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