Shopping at the Market: Everyday Dialogues

Passeggiamo nel frenetico Borough Market alla ricerca di ingredienti freschi e deliziosi. Ecco come scegliere i migliori prodotti del mercato più vivace di Londra.

Bandera UK
Daniel Francis

Speaker (UK accent)

Bandera UK
Sarah Davison

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Gloria: I love doing my grocery shopping at the market.

Malcom: Me, too! And Borough Market is my favourite.

Gloria: So what’s on your list? I need meat, fish and vegetables.

Malcolm: Fruit and veg for me. And perhaps a ready meal or two.

Gloria: OK, let’s start at the fishmonger’s. I’m a regular here.

Malcom: Oh, those plaice are a bargain! I’ll get a couple, too

Gloria: Right, what’s next? Ah, there’s a good fruit & veg stall. Let’s see, I need 3lbs of potatoes and some carrots, broccoli and onions

Malcom: I’ll get some tomatoes and lettuce for tonight’s salad. And some of those lovely strawberries.

Gloria: Excellent! I just need to pick up a couple of steaks at the butcher’s and then I’m done.

Malcolm: Right. Let’s go to Borough Market Kitchen for some street food. You can get some to take away, too.

Gloria: Good idea. I’ll show you the best place in town for tacos!

Malcolm: Great, lead the way!



Grocery shopping refers to shopping for food.

Veg is short for ‘vegetables’.

A ready meal is a pre-cooked meal that only needs to be heated.

A fishmonger is someone who sells fish. The apostrophe refers to the retail outlet, which is not usually mentioned: “I’m going to the fishmonger’s (store or stall)”. Similar examples are ‘the butcher’s’, ‘the baker’s’, ‘the greengrocer’s’, ‘the chemist’s’, ‘the newsagent’s’, etc.

Used in this way, a regular is a frequent customer.

A bargain is an item at a lower price than usual.

3lbs is equivalent to 1.37kg. ‘lbs’ is the abbreviation of ‘pounds’.

A butcher is someone who cuts and sells meat.

I’m done means “I am finished”.

Food and drink sold by vendors in a public place is called street food

At some places, you can choose to ‘eat in’ or take away the food (‘take out’in the US). ‘Take-away’ is also used as an adjective, e.g. ‘a take-away meal’.

Lead the way is a common phrase used to invite someone to go first, to show others where to go.

01 Speak Up 466  ITA

Questo articolo appartiene al numero january 2024 della rivista Speak Up.

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