How British People Say ‘No’: Everyday Language

Forse dipenderà dalla loro proverbiale flemma o dal particolare senso del decoro e dell’educazione, in ogni caso spesso è difficile sapere cosa pensano i britannici poiché usano con frequenza gli eufemismi, soprattutto se devono rifiutare un’offerta o un invito.

Ian Betteridge

Bandera UK
Daniel Francis

Speaker (UK accent)

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How British People Say NO

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British people often feel embarrassed about responding to offers with the word ‘no’. It feels rude, especially when speaking to strangers. This can be very confusing for people from other countries, especially if they are not fluent English speakers.

no, thanks

One of the first things you learn when you start studying English is how to answer if somebody offers you something. ‘Yes, please’ and ‘No, thank you’ are probably the best-known phrases in the language. Yet British people often say, ‘I’m all right, thanks’ when you offer them something. When they say this, they mean that they have already got everything that they need and don’t need anything else — i.e. it is a way to say ‘no’ without being rude. 

i’m all right

However, British people often say ‘all right’ when they want to say ‘yes’ to an offer. The same word can be used in different ways to say both ‘yes’ and ‘no’, and sometimes differences in pronunciation are the only clues to understanding.


Manjit is an assistant in a shop selling souvenirs and guided tours to tourists. “It’s very difficult to understand what British customers want,” he says. “I ask them if they want to buy something and they tell me that they are all right. Often when I ask if they want to go on a tour, they say, ‘Maybe later,’ but really they don’t want it and may never come back to the shop.”

“Even when they want to say ‘yes’, it’s confusing,” says Manjit. “They say, ‘Sure’ or ‘Why not?’ instead. Why can’t British people just say what they mean? It’s so confusing!” .

I britannici sono dei veri e propri maestri nell’arte dell’“understatement”, una forma di comunicare senza esprimere emozione e che a volte può dare luogo a malintesi. Per esempio:

  • What the British say: “I hear what you say.”
  • What non-British people understand: “He/she accepts my point of view.”
  • What the British mean: “I disagree and do not want to discuss it any further.”
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