Everyday Dialogues: Talking About the Weather

Una veloce guida alla conversazione con frasi e vocaboli di uso quotidiano. Questo mese: un dialogo sul tempo.

Bandera UK
Daniel Francis

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Bandera UK
Sarah Davison

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455 Talking about the Weather February 23 Shutter

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Mary: Good morning, neighbour! Lovely day, isn’t it?

Nick:  Yes, we’re due a bit of sunshine after all that rain. It was rough last night, wasn’t it?

Mary: Yes, that thunderstorm woke me up in a fright! It sounded like the world was ending.

Nick: That stormfront is all over Europe. My sister in Spain said they had spectacular thunder and lightning last night, too.

Mary: Well, I prefer dramatic weather to that dull drizzle that we’ve been having.

Nick: Grey skies and drizzle, that’s British weather for you!

Mary: I know. I’m out for a jog — got to make the most of it while it lasts!

Nick: Good for you. It won’t, you know. There’s more rain predicted later today.

Mary: Oh, I hadn’t looked at the forecast yet. They get it wrong more often than not.

Nick: That’s true. I may meet my friends for a picnic before it gets overcast.

Mary: That’s it. Got to stay optimistic! Have a great day.

Nick: You, too!


To be due something means that it is time for it; it would be fair for it to happen.

Rough in this context means ‘stormy’.

A thunderstorm is a storm with thunder and lightning, often with heavy rain or hail.

You can say in a fright to indicate a sudden feeling of fear.

An area of stormy weather is called a stormfront.

Dull weather is cloudy and grey, A drizzle is light rain falling in very fine drops. A dull drizzle refers to miserabledamp weather.

Clouds make the sky look grey, so you talk of grey skies.

That’s (something) for you! is an ironic statement to indicate a poor example of something, in this case, British weather!

To make the most of something means to use something to the best advantage.

The prediction of the weather is called the weather forecast.

Overcast means cloudy.

In this context, That’s it, is an encouraging statement to say, “That’s the right thing to do.”

The Psychology of Weather

455 Cover ITA February 23

Questo articolo appartiene al numero Febbraio 2023 della rivista Speak Up.

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