Everyday Dialogues: Heat Wave

Troppo caldo? Umido? Nuvoloso o piovoso? Il tempo è un argomento che occupa sempre diverse conversazioni: ecco tutto quello che c'è da sapere sul vocabolario meteorologico.

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Robert: God, it’s baking out there!

Claudia: I know! The weatherman got it wrong again. He predicted a cold front coming in.

Robert: Same old, same old. Oof, it’s sweltering in here, too. Don’t tell me the air-con’s down again?

Claudia: I’m afraid so! We’ll have to make do with the fan.

Robert: That blows all my papers of my desk. It gives me a sore throat, too.

Claudia: Yep! A sore throat in the middle of a heat wave.

Robert: I guess we mustn’t grumble. It’s always too hot or too rainy or too cold or too blustery

Claudia: Yes, you’re right. The upside is that it’s Friday. It’ll be perfect beach weather!

Robert: I bet it rains, though. It always takes a turn for the worse at the weekend.

Claudia: Now where’s that optimism?

Robert: Hey, I’m British! I’m supposed to complain about the weather!


Baking and sweltering are synonyms for ‘very hot’. You can also say ��scorching’ or ‘boiling’.

When you are mistaken, you get it wrong; conversely, when you guess correctly, you ‘get it right’.

Same old, same old is an expression to indicate that the same thing always happens in a particular situation.

In this context, down means it is not working.

To make do with something means to tolerate it.

A heat wave is a period of unusually hot weather.

To grumble is a synonym of ‘to complain’.

Blustery is another word for ‘windy’. Other options include ‘gusty’ or ‘breezy’.

Upside means the positive aspect of a situation which is generally bad. The opposite is ‘downside’.

When something takes a turn for the worse, it suddenly becomes bad.


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