Buying a Winter Coat: Everyday Dialogues

Sei di fronte a una decisione difficile: scegliere tra due cappotti, uno pratico e impermeabile, l'altro elegante e classico. Quale ti offrirà la migliore via di mezzo adatta alla vita di tutti i giorni?

Bandera UK
Sarah Davison

Speaker (UK accent)

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476 Everyday Dialogues

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Sarah: Hello, do you need some help?

Mario: Yes, please. I can’t make up my mind between these two coats.

Sarah: They’re both lovely. Is it for general use or are you going somewhere in particular?

Mario: No, it’s just for here. I’m not going hiking in the snow or anything like that.

Sarah: Right, then, the blue one is good for both, as it has a windproof lining.

Mario: That’s good. But is it rainproof, too?

Sarah: Yes, the coat is completely waterproof. It’ll keep you dry in the heaviest downpour. 

Mario: I like the look, too, though the other one is more stylish

Sarah: Well, puffer jackets are all the rage right now, but the brown coat has a more classic look.

Mario: Yes, that one’s timeless.  I like that it’s not tied to any trend; it’ll be good for years. But is it wind-and waterproof , too

Sarah: Ah, no. It’s fine for the city, but no good for hiking in freezing conditions. It’ll keep you dry in a light shower, though.

Mario: Hmm. I’ll go for the brown one. I need a good everyday coat

Sarah: Excellent! Come this way and I’ll ring it up at the till for you.


To make up one’s mind means ‘to make a decision’.

The coat is for general use, i.e., to be used every day, for any occasion.

Or anything like that is an informal idiom that shows that what you have said is just an example.

A windproof coat will not allow wind to enter the garment.

The lining of a coat is an interior layer of a different material.

A rainproof coat will not allow rain (or water) to enter the garment.

A waterproof coat will not allow water to enter the garment. The suffix ‘-proof’ means ‘protecting against’.

A downpour is a heavy fall of rain.

A puffer jacket (or simply a ‘puffer’) is a warm coat with insulated sections, which look like they are puffed up.

When something is trendy or popular, it is (all) the rage.

Timeless is the opposite of ‘trendy’, being classic or long-lasting in terms of fashion.

A light shower is a gentle, brief rainfall.

To go for means ‘to choose’.

Everyday literally means ‘used every day’.

To ring something up means to record an item a customer is paying for on the cash register.

Till is the British word for ‘cash register’.


Questo articolo appartiene al numero november 2024 della rivista Speak Up.

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