Top 5 Rom-Coms to Practice English

Queste cinque commedie romantiche - un genere noto in inglese come rom-com - non solo sono diventate dei classici del cinema. Sono anche perfette per esercitarsi con l'inglese.

Molly Malcolm

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Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck in Roman Holiday

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I film sono strumenti eccellenti per praticare l'inglese. Affinando la comprensione orale, si imparano nuovi vocaboli, modi di dire e frasi essenziali per comunicare in modo naturale. La nostra selezione delle 5 migliori commedie romantiche per praticare l'inglese fa proprio questo. Inoltre, sono diventate dei grandi classici del genere rom-com. Le presentiamo in inglese, con audio e vocabolario. Leggi, ascolti, fai pratica e porta il tuo inglese al livello successivo con Speak Up.

Top 5 Rom-Coms to Practice English

Some films are romantic. Some films are comedies. And some films are romantic comedies, also known as ‘rom-coms’. Typically, rom-coms tell the story of two people who meet but can’t form a romantic relationship because of some obstacle or conflict. This can be anything from a geographical distance to a cultural difference or to an already existing relationship. In time, however, they find a way to overcome the obstacle and begin their new life together. Here are five of the best rom-coms of all time.

  1. Pretty Woman (1990)
    The obstacle in Pretty Woman is evident from the beginning: Edward (Richard Gere) is a rich and important businessman, and Vivian (Julia Roberts) is a free-spirited prostitute who he pays to be his escort for a week. Things get very complicated when they begin to have feelings for each other.
  2. When Harry Met Sally (1989)
    Can men and women be friends? That is the question that this film poses as it follows Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally (Meg Ryan) as they drive across the US together and then have a series of casual encounters in New York City over the next twelve years. Judging by how the movie ends, the answer to the question is no!
  3. Roman Holiday (1953)
    Just like Edward and Vivian in Pretty Woman, Joe (Gregory Peck) and Ann (Audrey Hepburn) come from very different worlds. He is a journalist with the American News Service, and she is a crown princess. They meet in Rome and have a good time together, but inevitably have to return to their separate lives.
  4. Moonstruck (1987)
    Sometimes love is inconvenient, and this is certainly true for the Italian-American Loretta (Cher) who gets engaged to Johnny (Danny Aiello) but then falls in love with his estranged brother Ronny (Nicolas Cage). Driven by real passion, Loretta challenges the stereotypical female role and the concept of a traditional marriage.
  5. Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001)
    As thirty-year-old Bridget Jones starts a new year in London, she promises to change her life by losing weight, giving up smoking and finding a boyfriend. That is the premise of this film, which is based on a 1996 book by Helen Fielding. In time, Jones (Renée Zellweger) has to choose between two men, the unprincipled Daniel (Hugh Grant) and the mysterious Mark (Colin Firth). Which one will she choose?

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