March 8th: International Women’s Day

Dopo più di un secolo di lotte per l’uguaglianza dei diritti tra uomini e donne, c’è ancora tanto lavoro da fare. In occasione dell’8 marzo, ricordiamo il significato della giornata internazionale della donna.

British Council

Molly Malcolm

Speaker (American accent)

Aggiornato il giorno

Giornata internazionale della donna

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International Women’s Day takes place every year on 8 March to celebrate the achievements of women all over the world. It started in New York City in 1908 when women went out onto the streets to demand the right to vote, shorter working hours and better pay. Today it’s a global event that is supported by lots of charities, NGOs, governments and academic institutions.


In today’s world it may appear that women have all the same opportunities as men. If you watch the news you will see women astronauts, women prime ministers and women leaders in business. However, if you look at the statistics, you realise there’s still a long way to go. The BBC did a report a few years ago that showed that in the UK women occupied only 30.9 per cent of the most senior positions in areas like politics, business and policing. So, although progress has been made since 1908, there is still a lot to do before we see an equal number of men and women in the top jobs and receiving equal pay.


A lot of special events take place in towns and cities all over the UK to celebrate International Women’s Day. There are exhibitions, theatre shows, talks, discussions, films, workshops, fun runs and so much more. All the events are designed to celebrate the role of women in society and to make us all think about the progress that has been made, but also about the changes that still need to take place to ensure the world is a fair and equal place for all its citizens.

The message for women around the world is to ‘think globally and act locally’. This means to learn about some of the key issues that women face around the world and then to try to take action close to home.

The future

Can you imagine a future where there’s no need at all to even have an International Women’s Day? Where there is total equality for men and women? Hmmm … something to think about, but perhaps in our lifetime this could happen?  

He for She

Emma Watson, the actor who played Hermione in the Harry Potter films, is a great example of someone who is doing something to raise awareness about the issues that women face globally. As part of a solidarity movement for the advancement of gender equality initiated by the United Nations, she has launched a campaign called HeForShe, to create a ‘gender-equal world’. The HeForShe campaign makes it very clear that it’s the role of men as well as women to make changes in all areas of their lives, both at work and in the family, to help make this possible.

Día internacional de la mujer Emma Watson

Negli Stati Uniti, nel Regno Unito e in Australia, marzo è il Mese della Storia delle Donne. Leggete la storia di questa celebrazione nel nostro articolo Women's History Month: marzo è il mese della storia delle donne.

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