Pub Quizzes: Friends, Drinks, Knowledge

I pub britannici –abbreviazione di public house– sono rinomati per l’ampia offerta di birre e liquori, ma oltre a bere, guardare le partite di calcio o giocare a freccette, sono frequentati anche da chi vuole mettere alla prova la propria cultura generale.

Engeli Haupt

Bandera UK
Alex Warner

Speaker (UK accent)

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More than twenty-two thousand British pubs have a weekly quiz night. Some people say that the success of modern-day pub quizzes is due to a Canadian board game from the 1980s called Trivial pursuit, in which players had to answer questions about unimportant details, or ‘trivia’. But whatever the reason, pub owners now say they hold quiz nights because quizzers drink like fish, so it is good business for them. 


A quizmaster is in charge of the quiz and reads questions out loud. People answer these questions in teams. There are normally several rounds, and a quiz can go on for two to three hours! Each round can be about a different topic, or questions can be mixed. Topics can be about history, geography, science, sport, TV and entertainment, music and more. 


Make sure you know the names of the winners of sporting events, Oscars and TV shows. You can also have a look at the world map and get out your periodic table. In addition to studying, it’s also very important to choose your team carefully. Try to have a mix of men and women, and no more than five people. Don’t choose someone who is always completely sure that they’re right, because they’re often wrong! Once you’ve got your team together, always trustyour first answer. Don’t think about it too much!


In some pubs you can get drinks on the house, meaning they are free. If you’ve paid to be in the quiz, there is usually a cash prize, but most people just go for the fun of it! Perhaps the most difficult tip to follow is making sure that not everyone in your team drinks too much, otherwise the last round is going to get really difficult!

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