December 26th: Boxing Day

Il giorno dopo Natale è festa anche nel Regno Unito. Non sappiamo se sia vera l’origine di questa celebrazione, presente in un’antica storia apocrifa, ma ciò che conta è lo spirito e come viene festeggiata in famiglia.

Hengeli Haupt

Bandera UK
Alex Warner

Speaker (UK accent)

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December 26th: Boxing Day

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A long time ago, a girl called Minnie worked as a servant for a rich family in London. All year round, she cleaned and cooked and looked after the children and had no time for anything but work. Minnie missed her family, who lived in a small village. Once a year, she was able to leave London and visit them. She was never free on Christmas Day because the rich family needed her to serve their special dinner, but the day after – the 26th of December – was her holiday. The evening before travelling, she always washed her best dress and packed her suitcase.

The story of Boxing Day

A special day

In the village, Minnie's mother was so excited she could not sleep. She would stay up all night and decorate the house and cook Minnie’s favourite food. Early in the morning, her sisters went to the village square to wait for her. Then, Minnie finally arrived, tired from her journey – which used to take hours – but with a big smile and an even bigger box in her arms. This box was a special gift from her employer: it was full of presents for her family. She went home and all her brothers and sisters opened their presents and celebrated together.

A long tradition

This used to happen a long time ago and Minnie and her family are now dead. However, one thing survives: the significance of this day. The 26th of December is now called Boxing Day and it’s a public holiday in the UK. People don’t go to work; they stay home with their families and relax watching TV and exchanging presents.  

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