Addicted to Coffee

Il caffè è molto di più di una bibita: fa parte della nostra cultura. E nonostante il dibattito sui suoi effetti sulla nostra salute, el caso si mantiene aperto.

Jordi Galisteo, Esther Baena

Bandera UK
Alex Warner

Speaker (UK accent)

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Coffee is probably the most widely consumed drink in the world. For this reason it has been the subject of many scientific studies that have tried to determine whether it is healthy or harmful. There are many articles claiming that coffee is bad for our health. There is research that links it with an increased risk of heart disease and even diabetes. But is this really true?


The general problem with some of these studies is that they can lead to confusing conclusions. Moderate consumption of coffee by healthy adults reduces the sensation of physical exhaustion and mental fatigue, increases concentration and improves short-term memory and coordination. Nevertheless, people who metabolize caffeine slowly may be at increased risk of a heart attack if they drink more than four cups of coffee a day.


Moreover, not all kinds of coffee have the same health effects. Coffee that’s roasted at low temperatures (known as ‘natural roasting’) and without sugar has a lower concentration of toxins and carcinogens than ‘torrefacto’ - which is quite common in Spain and Italy. 

Other factors to take into account when choosing your coffee is that the Arabica variety has less caffeine than the Robusta variety. Finally, we must not forget that from a societal point of view, it is important that the coffee we buy is from fair trade sources.


According to recent studies, while more than six cups of coffee a day increases overall cholesterol levels, when coffee is filtered, the compounds that cause this increase are removed. If coffee is consumed regularly, addiction symptoms may appear such as headaches and anxiety that could be considered withdrawal symptoms. Yet while this discomfort might affect day-to-day life, it should not last more than a couple of days.


Decaffeinated coffee is definitely the right choice for pregnant women, nursing mothers and people who have difficulty sleeping. Normal coffee can increase heartburn and acid reflux, but decaffeinated coffees and teas do not. If you do opt for decaf, though, choose the one made “with water only” or made “with carbon dioxide”.

If after reading this article you decide to drink less coffee, tea is a good alternative. It also contains caffeine, but it is healthier. Tea consumption is linked to the strengthening of the bones and the cardiovascular system. What’s more, tea improves blood flow and does not cause acid reflux.

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