7 Health Idioms in English You Should Know With Exercises!

Cosa significa essere “under the weather” e “to have a clean bill of health”? Impara 7 espressioni sulla salute per esprimerti come un vero inglese e mettile in pratica.

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7 espressioni sulla salute in inglese

In the UK, if you are feeling under the weather, this doesn’t mean that you got stuck in the rain on the way to work, it means that you are feeling unwell. It probably isn’t surprising that an English idiom mentions the weather, since it is something we are famous for talking about! Here we look at some other idioms that are related to health and illness.

7 Health Idioms in English You Should Know

To be under the weather

Origin: This idiom likely originates from sailors. In the past, when a sailor felt unwell, he was sent below deck, away from the harsh weather conditions. If you were under the weather, you were allowed to go and rest away from it.

Meaning: To feel slightly sick or not at your best.

Example: “I think I’ll stay home from work today; I’m feeling a bit under the weather.”

To be on the mend

Origin: This phrase comes from the old English word ‘mend’, which means to repair or restore. In the 19th century, it was commonly used in the context of health to describe the recovery process.

Meaning: To be recovering after an illness or injury.

Example: “After a week of rest, I’m finally on the mend from my cold.”

To burn the candle at both ends

Origin: This idiom dates back to the 17th century. It originally referred to wasting valuable candles by burning them at both ends simultaneously, making them burn out quickly. Over time, it evolved to describe people who exhaust themselves by doing too much and not sleeping enough. If you go to bed late and get up early, you are burning the candle at both ends.

Meaning: To overwork yourself by trying to do too much at once, often at the expense of your health.

Example: “You’ve been working late and waking up early every day this week! You’re burning the candle at both ends.”

To be as fit as a fiddle

Origin: This phrase has been around since at least the early 17th century. Fiddle is another word for a violin used for folk and country music. Just like a well-tuned violin produces great music, someone who is as fit as a fiddle is in excellent health.  

Meaning: To be in perfect health or in great physical shape.

Example: “Even at 80, my grandfather is fit as a fiddle and goes for a long walk every morning.”

To kick the bucket

Origin: This rather morbid phrase comes from an old practice in which animals were slaughtered by being hung from a bucket. When they died, they would often kick the bucket in their final moments. Over time, this phrase became a euphemism for dying.

Meaning: This means ‘to die’. Be cautious with this idiom, it can sound a little disrespectful if used to talk about someone else.

Example: “I am not planning on kicking the bucket any time soon!”

To get back on your feet

Origin: The phrase likely comes from the physical act of standing up after a fall or illness. It is often used to describe a recovery from any setback, not just health-related ones.

Meaning: To recover after an illness or difficult situation.

Example: “After her surgery, it took a few months of rehabilitation, but she’s finally back on her feet.”

To have a clean bill of health

Origin: This idiom is believed to come from maritime customs. Ships that arrived in port had to present a document known as ‘a bill of health’ from their previous port, declaring they were free of disease. If the ship’s bill was clean, the ship and its crew were considered healthy and were allowed to dock.

Meaning: To be declared healthy by a doctor after a medical examination.

Example: “I was worried about my test results, but the doctor gave me a clean bill of health.”

Learning health idioms adds depth and color to your language skills. Not only do these expressions make your speech more engaging, but they also offer insights into the history and culture that shaped the language. Below you will find some exercises to help you remember the idioms – remember, practice makes perfect!

Match the idiom to its correct definition

1. To be under the weather 

2. To be on the mend 

3. To burn the candle at both ends 

4. To be / feel as fit as a fiddle 

5. To kick the bucket 

6. To be / to get back on your feet 

7. To be given a clean bill of health

a. To be extremely healthy or in good shape 

b. Feeling slightly unwell 

c. Trying to do too much, often at the expense of health 

d. Recovering from illness 

e. To receive confirmation that you are healthy 

f. To return to normal life after a setback 

g. To die

1. B 
2. D
3. C 
4. A
5. G 
6. F
7. E

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