Esercizi per praticare il second conditional in inglese

Impara il second conditional in inglese con la nostra selezione di esercizi pratici. Migliora le tue abilità linguistiche esplorando situazioni ipotetiche e divertenti.

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I condizionali sono un problema per molti studenti di inglese, e non senza motivo: ci sono diversi tipi, non sono intercambiabili e richiedono una buona conoscenza dei verbi in inglese. Ma non c'è motivo di disperare: con spiegazioni semplici e molta pratica, tutto si apprende.

In questo articolo ti ricordiamo cos'è il second conditional e come si forma, e ti offriamo delle frasi con il second conditional da completare. Consulta i nostri articoli sul zero conditional e sul first conditional se non li hai ancora letti. 

Cos'è il second conditional e come si forma

Il second conditional è una costruzione grammaticale utilizzata per parlare di situazioni ipotetiche future o presenti che sono poco probabili o impossibili da realizzare; cioè speranze, sogni, fantasie, ecc.
Questa è la formula per costruire frasi con il second conditional:

preposizione if + verbo en past simple + would + infinitivo (senza to)

  • If I won (past simple) the lottery, I would travel (infinitivo senza to) the world ➡️ Se vincessi la lotteria, viaggerei per tutto il mondo.

In questo esempio puoi vedere come funziona il second conditional: se si verifica una condizione specifica (se vinco la lotteria), succederà qualcosa di specifico (viaggerò per il mondo); ma quella condizione (vincere la lotteria) è quasi un sogno impossibile, ecco perché diciamo che si tratta di una situazione ipotetica futura poco probabile.





If Rose was prime minister… 

Se Rose fosse prima ministra... 



...she would invest more money in education.

...investirebbe più soldi in educazione. 

Past simple 

would + verbo (infinito senza to) 


USI: Una situazione ipotetica poco probabile o impossibile nel futuro o nel presente. 

Frasi per completare con il second conditional

Completa le frasi coniugando il verbo tra parentesi per formare frasi con il second conditional. Ricorda che le frasi possono essere affermative, negative o interrogative. Consulta il nostro articolo su come si forma il past simple se ne hai bisogno.

1. If I was taller, I ___________ (be) a basketball player. 
2. If she ________ (have) more free time, she would learn how to play the violin. 
3. If I had a garden, I __________ (plant) roses.
4. If he _______ (be) rich, he would quit his job. 
5. If I were the health minister, I ____________ (build) more hospitals. 
6. I ___________ (not worry) if I were you. Everything will be fine. 
7. Would you visit China if you ________ (have) the chance to? 
8. If I _________ (be) good at maths, I would be an architect. 
9. If it ________ (snow), you would freeze in that thin jacket. 
10. Would you ask her out if you ___________ (know) she would say yes? 
11. If he didn’t live in a small flat, he __________ (have) a dog. 
12. If Diana ________ (earn) a lot of money, she would give it to a charity. 
13. What would you do if you _______ (be) me? 
14. If I were you, I ____________ (not mention) the fact that he has been fired. 
15. I _____________ (exercise) more if I were younger. 
16. If I were Mike, I ____________ (quit) smoking. 
17. If you _______ (meet) the King of England, what would you say to him? 
18. If it was sunny, we ___________ (go) to the beach. 
19. You _____________ (not be) so tired if you went to bed earlier. 
20. If I _________ (can) have another cat, I would be much happier. 
21. If you ____________ (not be) so stubborn, everything would be easier. 
22. I ___________ (go) to the gym if it wasn’t so late. 
23. Would you move to the countryside if you ___________ (work) remotely? 
24. If I were an animal, I ___________ (be) a robin. 
25. If he apologised, I _____________ (forgive) him. 
26. She _______________ (swim) in the sea every day if she lived near the coast. 
27. If I had a big house, I _______________ (build) a walk-in wardrobe. 
28. What would you do if you ___________ (spot) the Loch Ness monster? 
29. If Eric ____________ (not work) so much, he would have more time to spend with his family. 
30. If I had to teach children, I _____________ (go) crazy. 
31. If I ___________ (know) what his name is, I would tell you. 
32. Would you come to the concert if I ___________ (pay) for the tickets? 
33. If she ____________ (not need) the money, she wouldn’t sell her car. 
34. If you __________ (drive) more carefully, I would be more relaxed. 


1. would be
2. had
3. would plant
4. was
5. would build
6. wouldn’t worry
7. had
8. were
9. snowed
10. knew
11. would have
12. earnt
13. were
14. wouldn’t mention
15. would exercise
16. would quit
17. met
18. would go
19. wouldn’t be
20. could
21. weren’t
22. would go
23. worked
24. would be
25. would forgive
26. would swim
27. would build
28. spotted
29. didn’t work
30. would go
31. knew
32. paid
33. didn’t need
34. drove

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