7 Common Phrasal Verbs for Relationships

In inglese, quando si parla di relazioni, si usano molto spesso i phrasal verbs. I 7 che apprenderai in questo articolo sono essenziali per esprimere emozioni e legami sentimentali.

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Phrasal Verbs for Relationships

When talking about relationships, whether romantic or platonic, we often use phrasal verbs to express what’s happening between two people. These little two-word phrases are essential in English conversations, as they help convey emotions, actions, and situations in a more natural way. Here are 7 of the most common phrasal verbs that you'll hear when people talk about their relationships.

7 essentials phrasal verbs to talk about relationships

1. Get along/on (with) 

Meaning: To have a good, friendly relationship with someone. When you “get along with” someone, it means you enjoy their company and don't have conflicts. In British English we often use the preposition on, and in American English to get along is preferred. Notice that we add the particle ‘with’ when we mention the object. 


  • “Jenny and her roommate get along/ get on really well; they’re always laughing and spending time together.” 
  • “I’m so glad you get along / get on with my parents—it makes everything much easier.” 
  • “My sister-in-law and my father don’t get on / get along very well. This can make family gathering a little awkward.” 

2. Break up (with) 

Meaning: To end a romantic relationship. When two people decide they no longer want to be in a relationship, they “break up”. Notice we use the particle ‘with’ when we mention the object. 


  • “After three years together, Sarah and Tom finally broke up.” 
  • “He’s still upset after breaking up with his girlfriend last month.” 
  • “I heard they broke up because they wanted different things from the relationship.” 

3. Make up (with) 

Meaning: To reconcile after a disagreement or argument. After a fight or disagreement, if you “make up” with someone, it means you’ve resolved the issue and are on good terms again. We use the particle ‘with’ when we mention the object.


  • “We had a big argument, but we made up the next day.” 
  • “I think you two should make up; it’s not worth staying mad over something so small.” 
  • “After not speaking for weeks, they finally made up and started hanging out again.” 

4. Fall for 

Meaning: To develop romantic feelings for someone. When you “fall for” someone, it means you start to like them romantically, often unexpectedly. 


  • “I didn’t think I’d fall for him, but he’s just so charming.” 
  • “Every time I fall for someone, it seems like it’s the wrong person!” 
  • “She fell for her best friend’s brother, and now they’re dating.” 

5. Split up 

Meaning: To separate or end a romantic relationship, similar to "break up". While “break up” focuses on the end of the relationship, “split up” can also refer to parting ways in general, whether temporarily or permanently.


  • “We decided to split up because we wanted different things in life.” 
  • “After ten years of marriage, they finally split up last year.” 
  • “I can’t believe they have split up! They seemed so perfect together.” 

6. Drift apart 

Meaning: To gradually lose closeness in a relationship. This often happens when people stop spending time together, resulting in them feeling less connected.  


  • “Over the years, we’ve just drifted apart; we’re not as close as we used to be.” 
  • “After school, we drifted apart because we moved to different cities.” 
  • “I’m afraid we’re drifting apart—we hardly ever talk anymore.” 

7. Ask out 

Meaning: To invite someone on a date. When you “ask out” someone, you’re inviting them to spend time with you in a romantic context. Notice that this verb is transitive and separable. When we use a pronoun, we separate the verb and the particle and put the pronoun in the middle. Look at where the pronouns are placed in the examples below. 


  • “He’s been wanting to ask her out for weeks, but he’s too nervous.” 
  • “I finally asked her out and we’re going to dinner this weekend.” 
  • “Why don’t you just ask him out? The worst thing that can happen is he says no.” 

In order to get these phrasal verbs into your working vocabulary, try doing these exercises. Do them once a week for five weeks to make sure that they stick!

More on phrasal verbs: 

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