10 Verbs With Prepositions We Use Frequently And Exercises to Practice Them

Se sei frustrato dall'uso delle preposizioni, dopo più di vent'anni di insegnamento dell'inglese tutto ciò che posso dirti è: “keep calm”. Alla fine ci riuscirai.

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10 Common Verbs With Prepositions and Exercises

We listen to a song, but look at a picture. We argue with a person but get married to someone. Prepositions can drive language learners crazy! If you’re feeling frustrated about the use of prepositions, after over twenty years teaching English and considerably more being a language learner myself, all I can say is: keep calm. You will get them eventually!

Sometimes prepositions seem very random, and at times there are no logical explanations about why, in English, we get married to someone and not married with someone. In this article, we have tried to put a little bit of meaning into the use of some prepositions. We will look at 10 of the most common verbs with prepositions combinations. To make things easier, we have grouped them into two sets: 5 verbs that often use the preposition on and 5 verbs that typically use with.

10 Verbs and Prepositions We Use Frequently

5 Common Verbs with On

1. To rely on someone or something

Meaning: To depend on someone or something.
Explanation: The preposition on is used here because it implies dependence or support, as if you are metaphorically standing ‘on’ the person or thing.
Example: "I rely on my friend to help me with homework."

2. To focus on something or someone

Meaning: To concentrate on something.
Explanation: On suggests direction or attention being placed onto something specific, as if your focus is being aimed ‘on’ the subject. Imagine the light from a torch shining on the object of your focus.
Example: "We need to focus on finishing this project."

3. To insist on doing something

Meaning: To demand something firmly.
Explanation: On here implies a strong attachment or persistence to a request or need. Imagine if you want to break in a horse, it is important to sit on it many times until it gets used to you.
Example: "She insisted on paying for lunch."

4. To work on something

Meaning: To make an effort toward improving or completing something.
Explanation: Here on indicates the direction of effort or action toward an objective.
Example: I’m working on my English skills.

5. To depend on someone or something

Meaning: To be controlled or determined by something. 
Explanation: Similar to ‘rely on,’ depend on suggests being influenced or affected by an external factor.
Example: The success of the event depends on the weather.

5 Common Verbs with With

1. Agree with

Meaning: To have the same opinion as someone.
Explanation: With conveys the sense of being near someone in thought or opinion. It depicts a connection in the case of ‘to agree’. However, bear in mind that the verb ‘to disagree’ also uses the preposition with.
Example: I agree with you about the movie.   

2. Argue with

Meaning: To have a disagreement with someone.
Explanation: With implies that the interaction is happening in opposition, but it still depicts a connection with someone, even if that connection is negative.
Example: He argued with his brother over the remote. 

3. Help with

Meaning: To assist someone in completing something.
Explanation: With shows cooperation or collaboration in an effort.
Example: She helped me with my homework.

4. Deal with

Meaning: To manage or handle a situation.
Explanation: With highlights the interaction between you and a situation. This is a phrasal verb that is used very frequently when talking about work tasks and challenging situations.
Example: I have to deal with a lot of stress at work.

5. Associate with

Meaning: To connect or link something or someone with another person, idea, or thing.
Explanation: With indicates a connection or relationship between two things, suggesting that one concept is linked or identified alongside the other in the mind of the speaker.
Example: Many people associate summer with vacations and relaxation.

Do prepositions have meanings?

The prepositions in these verb combinations carry subtle meanings that reflect a relationship between the verb and its object. On often gives a sense of support, direction, or dependence, while with conveys a sense of interaction, collaboration, or opposition. Of course, many times it is difficult to understand the relationship between the verb and the preposition. In those cases, it’s just a case of learning it and practising it over and over again.  Below are some exercises to help you practise.

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